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Anexo I do simples nacional – Atividades, tabela completa e faixas de faturamento - Artigos

Anexo I do simples nacional – Atividades, tabela completa e faixas de faturamento

O simples nacional é composto por 5 anexos criados através da lei 123/06, cada anexo corresponde um grupo de atividades, a alíquota do tributo é progressiva, aumentam de acordo com a faixa de faturamento.

Nesse post vamos abordar o anexo I do simples nacional com a tabela completa e as atividades permitidas por CNAE. Dessa forma nesse artigo vamos tratar os seguintes aspectos:

  1. Tabela completa do anexo I do simples nacional
  2. Atividades permitidas ao anexo I do simples nacional por CNAE por CNAE

Então vamos lá?!

1.Tabela completa do anexo I do simples nacional

Faixa Receita Bruta em 12 Meses (em R$) Alíquota Valor a Deduzir IRPJ CSLL Cofins PIS/Pasep CPP ICMS
1a Faixa Até 180.000,00 4,00% 5,50% 3,50% 12,74% 2,76% 41,50% 34,00%
2a Faixa De 180.000,01 a 360.000,00 7,30% R$ 5.940,00 5,50% 3,50% 12,74% 2,76% 41,50% 34,00%
3a Faixa De 360.000,01 a 720.000,00 9,50% R$ 13.860,00 5,50% 3,50% 12,74% 2,76% 42,00% 33,50%
4a Faixa De 720.000,01 a 1.800.000,00 10,70% R$ 22.500,00 5,50% 3,50% 12,74% 2,76% 42,00% 33,50%
5a Faixa De 1.800.000,01 a 3.600.000,00 14,30% R$ 87.300,00 5,50% 3,50% 12,74% 2,76% 42,00% 33,50%
6a Faixa De 3.600.000,01 a 4.800.000,00 19,00% R$ 378.000,00 13,50% 10,00% 28,27% 6,13% 42,10%


2. Atividades permitidas ao anexo I do simples nacional por CNAE

0111-3/01 Cultivo de arroz
0111-3/03 Cultivo de trigo
0111-3/99 Cultivo de outros cereais não especificados anteriormente
0112-1/01 Cultivo de algodão herbáceo
0112-1/02 Cultivo de juta
0112-1/99 Cultivo de outras fibras de lavoura temporária não especificadas anteriormente
0113-0/00 Cultivo de cana-de-açúcar
0114-8/00 Cultivo de fumo
0115-6/00 Cultivo de soja
0116-4/01 Cultivo de amendoim
0116-4/02 Cultivo de girassol
0116-4/03 Cultivo de mamona
0116-4/99 Cultivo de outras oleaginosas de lavoura temporária não especificadas anteriormente
0119-9/01 Cultivo de abacaxi
0119-9/02 Cultivo de alho
0119-9/03 Cultivo de batata-inglesa
0119-9/04 Cultivo de cebola
0119-9/05 Cultivo de feijão
0119-9/06 Cultivo de mandioca
0119-9/07 Cultivo de melão
0119-9/08 Cultivo de melancia
0119-9/09 Cultivo de tomate rasteiro
0119-9/99 Cultivo de outras plantas de lavoura temporária não especificadas anteriormente
0121-1/01 Horticultura, exceto morango
0121-1/02 Cultivo de morango
0122-9/00 Cultivo de flores e plantas ornamentais
0131-8/00 Cultivo de laranja
0132-6/00 Cultivo de uva
0133-4/01 Cultivo de açaí
0133-4/02 Cultivo de banana
0133-4/03 Cultivo de caju
0133-4/04 Cultivo de cítricos, exceto laranja
0133-4/05 Cultivo de coco-da-baía
0133-4/06 Cultivo de guaraná
0133-4/07 Cultivo de maçã
0133-4/08 Cultivo de mamão
0133-4/09 Cultivo de maracujá
0133-4/10 Cultivo de manga
0133-4/11 Cultivo de pêssego
0133-4/99 Cultivo de frutas de lavoura permanente não especificadas anteriormente
0134-2/00 Cultivo de café
0135-1/00 Cultivo de cacau
0139-3/01 Cultivo de chá-da-índia
0139-3/02 Cultivo de erva-mate
0139-3/03 Cultivo de pimenta-do-reino
0139-3/04 Cultivo de plantas para condimento, exceto pimenta-do-reino
0139-3/05 Cultivo de dendê
0139-3/06 Cultivo de seringueira
0139-3/99 Cultivo de outras plantas de lavoura permanente não especificadas anteriormente
0141-5/01 Produção de sementes certificadas, exceto de forrageiras para pasto
0141-5/02 Produção de sementes certificadas de forrageiras para formação de pasto
0142-3/00 Produção de mudas e outras formas de propagação vegetal, certificadas
0151-2/01 Criação de bovinos para corte
0151-2/02 Criação de bovinos para leite
0151-2/03 Criação de bovinos, exceto para corte e leite
0152-1/01 Criação de bufalinos
0152-1/02 Criação de equinos
0152-1/03 Criação de asininos e muares
0153-9/01 Criação de caprinos
0153-9/02 Criação de ovinos, inclusive para produção de lã
0154-7/00 Criação de suínos
0155-5/01 Criação de frangos para corte
0155-5/02 Produção de pintos de um dia
0155-5/03 Criação de outros galináceos, exceto para corte
0155-5/04 Criação de aves, exceto galináceos
0155-5/05 Produção de ovos
0159-8/01 Apicultura
0159-8/02 Criação de animais de estimação
0159-8/03 Criação de escargô
0159-8/04 Criação de bicho-da-seda
0159-8/99 Criação de outros animais não especificados anteriormente
0170-9/00 Caça e serviços relacionados
0210-1/01 Cultivo de eucalipto
0210-1/02 Cultivo de acácia-negra
0210-1/03 Cultivo de pinus
0210-1/04 Cultivo de teca
0210-1/05 Cultivo de espécies madeireiras, exceto eucalipto, acácia-negra, pinus e teca
0210-1/06 Cultivo de mudas em viveiros florestais
0210-1/07 Extração de madeira em florestas plantadas
0210-1/08 Produção de carvão vegetal – florestas plantadas
0210-1/09 Produção de casca de acácia-negra – florestas plantadas
0210-1/99 Produção de produtos não madeireiros não especificados anteriormente em florestas plantadas
0220-9/01 Extração de madeira em florestas nativas
0220-9/02 Produção de carvão vegetal – florestas nativas
0220-9/03 Coleta de castanha-do-pará em florestas nativas
0220-9/04 Coleta de látex em florestas nativas
0220-9/05 Coleta de palmito em florestas nativas
0220-9/06 Conservação de florestas nativas
0220-9/99 Coleta de produtos não madeireiros não especificados anteriormente em florestas nativas
0230-6/00 Atividades de apoio à produção florestal
0311-6/01 Pesca de peixes em água salgada
0311-6/02 Pesca de crustáceos e moluscos em água salgada
0311-6/03 Coleta de outros produtos marinhos
0311-6/04 Atividades de apoio à pesca em água salgada
0312-4/01 Pesca de peixes em água doce
0312-4/02 Pesca de crustáceos e moluscos em água doce
0312-4/03 Coleta de outros produtos aquáticos de água doce
0312-4/04 Atividades de apoio à pesca em água doce
0321-3/01 Criação de peixes em água salgada e salobra
0321-3/02 Criação de camarões em água salgada e salobra
0321-3/03 Criação de ostras e mexilhões em água salgada e salobra
0321-3/04 Criação de peixes ornamentais em água salgada e salobra
0321-3/05 Atividades de apoio à aquicultura em água salgada e salobra
0321-3/99 Cultivos e semicultivos da aquicultura em água salgada e salobra não especificados anteriormente
0322-1/01 Criação de peixes em água doce
0322-1/02 Criação de camarões em água doce
0322-1/03 Criação de ostras e mexilhões em água doce
0322-1/04 Criação de peixes ornamentais em água doce
0322-1/05 Ranicultura
0322-1/06 Criação de jacaré
0322-1/07 Atividades de apoio à aquicultura em água doce
0322-1/99 Cultivos e semicultivos da aquicultura em água doce não especificados anteriormente
0500-3/01 Extração de carvão mineral
0500-3/02 Beneficiamento de carvão mineral
0600-0/01 Extração de petróleo e gás natural
0600-0/02 Extração e beneficiamento de xisto
0600-0/03 Extração e beneficiamento de areias betuminosas
0710-3/01 Extração de minério de ferro
0710-3/02 Pelotização, sinterização e outros beneficiamentos de minério de ferro
0721-9/01 Extração de minério de alumínio
0721-9/02 Beneficiamento de minério de alumínio
0722-7/01 Extração de minério de estanho
0722-7/02 Beneficiamento de minério de estanho
0723-5/01 Extração de minério de manganês
0723-5/02 Beneficiamento de minério de manganês
0724-3/01 Extração de minério de metais preciosos
0724-3/02 Beneficiamento de minério de metais preciosos
0725-1/00 Extração de minerais radioativos
0729-4/01 Extração de minérios de nióbio e titânio
0729-4/02 Extração de minério de tungstênio
0729-4/03 Extração de minério de níquel
0729-4/04 Extração de minérios de cobre, chumbo, zinco e outros minerais metálicos não ferrosos não especificados anteriormente
0729-4/05 Beneficiamento de minérios de cobre, chumbo, zinco e outros minerais metálicos não ferrosos não especificados anteriormente
0810-0/01 Extração de ardósia e beneficiamento associado
0810-0/02 Extração de granito e beneficiamento associado
0810-0/03 Extração de mármore e beneficiamento associado
0810-0/04 Extração de calcário e dolomita e beneficiamento associado
0810-0/05 Extração de gesso e caulim
0810-0/06 Extração de areia, cascalho ou pedregulho e beneficiamento associado
0810-0/07 Extração de argila e beneficiamento associado
0810-0/08 Extração de saibro e beneficiamento associado
0810-0/09 Extração de basalto e beneficiamento associado
0810-0/10 Beneficiamento de gesso e caulim associado à extração
0810-0/99 Extração e britamento de pedras e outros materiais para construção e beneficiamento associado
0891-6/00 Extração de minerais para fabricação de adubos, fertilizantes e outros produtos químicos
0892-4/01 Extração de sal marinho
0892-4/02 Extração de sal-gema
0892-4/03 Refino e outros tratamentos do sal
0893-2/00 Extração de gemas (pedras preciosas e semipreciosas)
0899-1/01 Extração de grafita
0899-1/02 Extração de quartzo
0899-1/03 Extração de amianto
0899-1/99 Extração de outros minerais não metálicos não especificados anteriormente
02/04/3520 Distribuição de combustíveis gasosos por redes urbanas
02/06/3600 Distribuição de água por caminhões
01/01/4511 Comércio a varejo de automóveis, camionetas e utilitários novos
02/01/4511 Comércio a varejo de automóveis, camionetas e utilitários usados
03/01/4511 Comércio por atacado de automóveis, camionetas e utilitários novos e usados
04/01/4511 Comércio por atacado de caminhões novos e usados
05/01/4511 Comércio por atacado de reboques e semi-reboques novos e usados
06/01/4511 Comércio por atacado de ônibus e micro-ônibus novos e usados
02/09/4512 Comércio sob consignação de veículos automotores
01/07/4530 Comércio por atacado de peças e acessórios novos para veículos automotores
02/07/4530 Comércio por atacado de pneumáticos e câmaras-de-ar
03/07/4530 Comércio a varejo de peças e acessórios novos para veículos automotores
04/07/4530 Comércio a varejo de peças e acessórios usados para veículos automotores
05/07/4530 Comércio a varejo de pneumáticos e câmaras-de-ar
01/02/4541 Comércio por atacado de motocicletas e motonetas
02/02/4541 Comércio por atacado de peças e acessórios para motocicletas e motonetas
03/02/4541 Comércio a varejo de motocicletas e motonetas novas
04/02/4541 Comércio a varejo de motocicletas e motonetas usadas
06/02/4541 Comércio a varejo de peças e acessórios novos para motocicletas e motonetas
07/02/4541 Comércio a varejo de peças e acessórios usados para motocicletas e motonetas
02/01/4542 Comércio sob consignação de motocicletas e motonetas
4621-4/00 Comércio atacadista de café em grão
4622-2/00 Comércio atacadista de soja
01/01/4623 Comércio atacadista de animais vivos
02/01/4623 Comércio atacadista de couros, lãs, peles e outros subprodutos não comestíveis de origem animal
03/01/4623 Comércio atacadista de algodão
04/01/4623 Comércio atacadista de fumo em folha não beneficiado
05/01/4623 Comércio atacadista de cacau
06/01/4623 Comércio atacadista de sementes, flores, plantas e gramas
07/01/4623 Comércio atacadista de sisal
08/01/4623 Comércio atacadista de matérias-primas agrícolas com atividade de fracionamento e acondicionamento associada
09/01/4623 Comércio atacadista de alimentos para animais
4623-1/99 Comércio atacadista de matérias-primas agrícolas não especificadas anteriormente
4631-1/00 Comércio atacadista de leite e laticínios
4632-0/01 Comércio atacadista de cereais e leguminosas beneficiados
4632-0/02 Comércio atacadista de farinhas, amidos e féculas
4632-0/03 Comércio atacadista de cereais e leguminosas beneficiados, farinhas, amidos e féculas, com atividade de fracionamento e acondicionamento associada
01/08/4633 Comércio atacadista de frutas, verduras, raízes, tubérculos, hortaliças e legumes frescos
02/08/4633 Comércio atacadista de aves vivas e ovos
03/08/4633 Comércio atacadista de coelhos e outros pequenos animais vivos para alimentação
01/06/4634 Comércio atacadista de carnes bovinas e suínas e derivados
02/06/4634 Comércio atacadista de aves abatidas e derivados
03/06/4634 Comércio atacadista de pescados e frutos do mar
4634-6/99 Comércio atacadista de carnes e derivados de outros animais
01/04/4635 Comércio atacadista de água mineral
02/04/4635 Comércio atacadista de cerveja, chope e refrigerante
03/04/4635 Comércio atacadista de bebidas com atividade de fracionamento e acondicionamento associada
4635-4/99 Comércio atacadista de bebidas não especificadas anteriormente
01/02/4636 Comércio atacadista de fumo beneficiado
01/01/4637 Comércio atacadista de café torrado, moído e solúvel
02/01/4637 Comércio atacadista de açúcar
03/01/4637 Comércio atacadista de óleos e gorduras
04/01/4637 Comércio atacadista de pães, bolos, biscoitos e similares
05/01/4637 Comércio atacadista de massas alimentícias
06/01/4637 Comércio atacadista de sorvetes
07/01/4637 Comércio atacadista de chocolates, confeitos, balas, bombons e semelhantes
4637-1/99 Comércio atacadista especializado em outros produtos alimentícios não especificados anteriormente
01/07/4639 Comércio atacadista de produtos alimentícios em geral
02/07/4639 Comércio atacadista de produtos alimentícios em geral, com atividade de fracionamento e acondicionamento associada
01/09/4641 Comércio atacadista de tecidos
02/09/4641 Comércio atacadista de artigos de cama, mesa e banho
03/09/4641 Comércio atacadista de artigos de armarinho
01/07/4642 Comércio atacadista de artigos do vestuário e acessórios, exceto profissionais e de segurança
02/07/4642 Comércio atacadista de roupas e acessórios para uso profissional e de segurança do trabalho
01/05/4643 Comércio atacadista de calçados
02/05/4643 Comércio atacadista de bolsas, malas e artigos de viagem
01/03/4644 Comércio atacadista de medicamentos e drogas de uso humano
02/03/4644 Comércio atacadista de medicamentos e drogas de uso veterinário
01/01/4645 Comércio atacadista de instrumentos e materiais para uso médico, cirúrgico, hospitalar e de laboratórios
02/01/4645 Comércio atacadista de próteses e artigos de ortopedia
03/01/4645 Comércio atacadista de produtos odontológicos
4646-0/01 Comércio atacadista de cosméticos e produtos de perfumaria
4646-0/02 Comércio atacadista de produtos de higiene pessoal
01/08/4647 Comércio atacadista de artigos de escritório e de papelaria
02/08/4647 Comércio atacadista de livros, jornais e outras publicações
01/04/4649 Comércio atacadista de equipamentos elétricos de uso pessoal e doméstico
02/04/4649 Comércio atacadista de aparelhos eletrônicos de uso pessoal e doméstico
03/04/4649 Comércio atacadista de bicicletas, triciclos e outros veículos recreativos
04/04/4649 Comércio atacadista de móveis e artigos de colchoaria
05/04/4649 Comércio atacadista de artigos de tapeçaria; persianas e cortinas
06/04/4649 Comércio atacadista de lustres, luminárias e abajures
07/04/4649 Comércio atacadista de filmes, CDs, DVDs, fitas e discos
08/04/4649 Comércio atacadista de produtos de higiene, limpeza e conservação domiciliar
09/04/4649 Comércio atacadista de produtos de higiene, limpeza e conservação domiciliar, com atividade de fracionamento e acondicionamento associada
10/04/4649 Comércio atacadista de jóias, relógios e bijuterias, inclusive pedras preciosas e semipreciosas lapidadas
4649-4/99 Comércio atacadista de outros equipamentos e artigos de uso pessoal e doméstico não especificados anteriormente
01/06/4651 Comércio atacadista de equipamentos de informática
02/06/4651 Comércio atacadista de suprimentos para informática
4652-4/00 Comércio atacadista de componentes eletrônicos e equipamentos de telefonia e comunicação
4661-3/00 Comércio atacadista de máquinas, aparelhos e equipamentos para uso agropecuário; partes e peças
4662-1/00 Comércio atacadista de máquinas, equipamentos para terraplenagem, mineração e construção; partes e peças
4663-0/00 Comércio atacadista de máquinas e equipamentos para uso industrial; partes e peças
4664-8/00 Comércio atacadista de máquinas, aparelhos e equipamentos para uso odonto-médico-hospitalar; partes e peças
4665-6/00 Comércio atacadista de máquinas e equipamentos para uso comercial; partes e peças
01/09/4669 Comércio atacadista de bombas e compressores; partes e peças
4669-9/99 Comércio atacadista de outras máquinas e equipamentos não especificados anteriormente; partes e peças
4671-1/00 Comércio atacadista de madeira e produtos derivados
4672-9/00 Comércio atacadista de ferragens e ferramentas
4673-7/00 Comércio atacadista de material elétrico
4674-5/00 Comércio atacadista de cimento
01/06/4679 Comércio atacadista de tintas, vernizes e similares
02/06/4679 Comércio atacadista de mármores e granitos
03/06/4679 Comércio atacadista de vidros, espelhos e vitrais
04/06/4679 Comércio atacadista especializado de materiais de construção não especificados anteriormente
4679-6/99 Comércio atacadista de materiais de construção em geral
01/08/4681 Comércio atacadista de álcool carburante, biodiesel, gasolina e demais derivados de petróleo, exceto lubrificantes, não realizado por transportador retalhista (TRR)
02/08/4681 Comércio atacadista de combustíveis realizado por transportador retalhista (TRR)
03/08/4681 Comércio atacadista de combustíveis de origem vegetal, exceto álcool carburante
04/08/4681 Comércio atacadista de combustíveis de origem mineral em bruto
05/08/4681 Comércio atacadista de lubrificantes
4682-6/00 Comércio atacadista de gás liquefeito de petróleo (GLP)
4683-4/00 Comércio atacadista de defensivos agrícolas, adubos, fertilizantes e corretivos do solo
01/02/4684 Comércio atacadista de resinas e elastômeros
02/02/4684 Comércio atacadista de solventes
4684-2/99 Comércio atacadista de outros produtos químicos e petroquímicos não especificados anteriormente
4685-1/00 Comércio atacadista de produtos siderúrgicos e metalúrgicos, exceto para construção
01/09/4686 Comércio atacadista de papel e papelão em bruto
02/09/4686 Comércio atacadista de embalagens
01/07/4687 Comércio atacadista de resíduos de papel e papelão
02/07/4687 Comércio atacadista de resíduos e sucatas não metálicos, exceto de papel e papelão
03/07/4687 Comércio atacadista de resíduos e sucatas metálicos
01/03/4689 Comércio atacadista de produtos da extração mineral, exceto combustíveis
02/03/4689 Comércio atacadista de fios e fibras beneficiados
4689-3/99 Comércio atacadista especializado em outros produtos intermediários não especificados anteriormente
4691-5/00 Comércio atacadista de mercadorias em geral, com predominância de produtos alimentícios
4692-3/00 Comércio atacadista de mercadorias em geral, com predominância de insumos agropecuários
4693-1/00 Comércio atacadista de mercadorias em geral, sem predominância de alimentos ou de insumos agropecuários
01/03/4711 Comércio varejista de mercadorias em geral, com predominância de produtos alimentícios – hipermercados
02/03/4711 Comércio varejista de mercadorias em geral, com predominância de produtos alimentícios – supermercados
4712-1/00 Comércio varejista de mercadorias em geral, com predominância de produtos alimentícios – minimercados, mercearias e armazéns
4713-0/02 Lojas de variedades, exceto lojas de departamentos ou magazines
4713-0/04 Lojas de departamentos ou magazines, exceto lojas francas (Duty free)
4713-0/05 Lojas francas (Duty Free) de aeroportos, portos e em fronteiras terrestres
4713-0/02 Lojas de variedades, exceto lojas de departamentos ou magazines
02/01/4721 Padaria e confeitaria com predominância de revenda
03/01/4721 Comércio varejista de laticínios e frios
04/01/4721 Comércio varejista de doces, balas, bombons e semelhantes
01/09/4722 Comércio varejista de carnes – açougues
02/09/4722 Peixaria
4723-7/00 Comércio varejista de bebidas
4724-5/00 Comércio varejista de hortifrutigranjeiros
01/06/4729 Tabacaria
02/06/4729 Comércio varejista de mercadorias em lojas de conveniência
4729-6/99 Comércio varejista de produtos alimentícios em geral ou especializado em produtos alimentícios não especificados anteriormente
4731-8/00 Comércio varejista de combustíveis para veículos automotores
4732-6/00 Comércio varejista de lubrificantes
4741-5/00 Comércio varejista de tintas e materiais para pintura
4742-3/00 Comércio varejista de material elétrico
4743-1/00 Comércio varejista de vidros
4744-0/01 Comércio varejista de ferragens e ferramentas
4744-0/02 Comércio varejista de madeira e artefatos
4744-0/03 Comércio varejista de materiais hidráulicos
4744-0/04 Comércio varejista de cal, areia, pedra britada, tijolos e telhas
4744-0/05 Comércio varejista de materiais de construção não especificados anteriormente
4744-0/06 Comércio varejista de pedras para revestimento
4744-0/99 Comércio varejista de materiais de construção em geral
01/02/4751 Comércio varejista especializado de equipamentos e suprimentos de informática
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4752-1/00 Comércio varejista especializado de equipamentos de telefonia e comunicação
4753-9/00 Comércio varejista especializado de eletrodomésticos e equipamentos de áudio e vídeo
01/07/4754 Comércio varejista de móveis
02/07/4754 Comércio varejista de artigos de colchoaria
03/07/4754 Comércio varejista de artigos de iluminação
01/05/4755 Comércio varejista de tecidos
02/05/4755 Comercio varejista de artigos de armarinho
03/05/4755 Comercio varejista de artigos de cama, mesa e banho
4756-3/00 Comércio varejista especializado de instrumentos musicais e acessórios
4757-1/00 Comércio varejista especializado de peças e acessórios para aparelhos eletroeletrônicos para uso doméstico, exceto informática e comunicação
01/08/4759 Comércio varejista de artigos de tapeçaria, cortinas e persianas
4759-8/99 Comércio varejista de outros artigos de uso doméstico não especificados anteriormente
4761-0/01 Comércio varejista de livros
4761-0/02 Comércio varejista de jornais e revistas
4761-0/03 Comércio varejista de artigos de papelaria
4762-8/00 Comércio varejista de discos, CDs, DVDs e fitas
01/06/4763 Comércio varejista de brinquedos e artigos recreativos
02/06/4763 Comércio varejista de artigos esportivos
03/06/4763 Comércio varejista de bicicletas e triciclos; peças e acessórios
04/06/4763 Comércio varejista de artigos de caça, pesca e camping
05/06/4763 Comércio varejista de embarcações e outros veículos recreativos; peças e acessórios
01/07/4771 Comércio varejista de produtos farmacêuticos, sem manipulação de fórmulas
02/07/4771 Comércio varejista de produtos farmacêuticos, com manipulação de fórmulas
03/07/4771 Comércio varejista de produtos farmacêuticos homeopáticos
04/07/4771 Comércio varejista de medicamentos veterinários
4772-5/00 Comércio varejista de cosméticos, produtos de perfumaria e de higiene pessoal
4773-3/00 Comércio varejista de artigos médicos e ortopédicos
4774-1/00 Comércio varejista de artigos de óptica
4781-4/00 Comércio varejista de artigos do vestuário e acessórios
01/02/4782 Comércio varejista de calçados
02/02/4782 Comércio varejista de artigos de viagem
01/01/4783 Comércio varejista de artigos de joalheria
02/01/4783 Comércio varejista de artigos de relojoaria
4784-9/00 Comércio varejista de gás liqüefeito de petróleo (GLP)
01/07/4785 Comércio varejista de antiguidades
4785-7/99 Comércio varejista de outros artigos usados
4789-0/01 Comércio varejista de suvenires, bijuterias e artesanatos
4789-0/02 Comércio varejista de plantas e flores naturais
4789-0/03 Comércio varejista de objetos de arte
4789-0/04 Comércio varejista de animais vivos e de artigos e alimentos para animais de estimação
4789-0/05 Comércio varejista de produtos saneantes domissanitários
4789-0/06 Comércio varejista de fogos de artifício e artigos pirotécnicos
4789-0/07 Comércio varejista de equipamentos para escritório
4789-0/08 Comércio varejista de artigos fotográficos e para filmagem
4789-0/09 Comércio varejista de armas e munições
4789-0/99 Comércio varejista de outros produtos não especificados anteriormente
01/02/5611 Restaurantes e similares
03/02/5611 Lanchonetes, casas de chá, de sucos e similares
5612-1/00 Serviços ambulantes de alimentação
01/01/5620 Fornecimento de alimentos preparados preponderantemente para empresas
04/02/5611 Bares e outros estabelecimentos especializados em servir bebidas, sem entretenimento
05/02/5611 Bares e outros estabelecimentos especializados em servir bebidas, com entretenimento
02/01/5620 Serviços de alimentação para eventos e recepções – bufê
03/01/5620 Cantinas – serviços de alimentação privativos
04/01/5620 Fornecimento de alimentos preparados preponderantemente para consumo domiciliar
01/02/6810 Compra e venda de imóveis próprios
Anexo I do simples nacional por CNAE


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      Early youth decays are brown and show up on the biting surface areas of main molars. Pediatric dental treatments differ a little from grown-up dental treatments, though they are all relatively similar. The waiting location ought to have a television with some child-friendly material such as cartoons or discovery youngsters.

      They will make certain that all non-invasive options have been attempted before taking into consideration advanced ones. Make certain to offer your dental professional exact details about what’s triggering tooth pain. If your gum tissues are receding or pulling away from your teeth, they can subject your tooth root.
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      Some people utilize oral products such as lightening creams and setting options to improve their smiles. Nonetheless, excessive use of these products brings about tooth level of sensitivity, particularly to cold temperatures. It occurs when the oral products abrasively influence the enamel. Therapy can completely remove level of sensitivity to cool.

      Many pediatric dental practitioners design their office to make sure that it’s enjoyable and welcoming, to the point that their young individuals expect their appointments and might not even want to leave. Taking your kid to see a pediatric dentist by age one ensures they’ll have the proper testing and therapy to stop future dental issues. Prosthodontic solutions relate to the repair and substitute of missing or harmed teeth.
      Must a concern about your experience at UPMC CCP develop, please discuss it with your kid’s doctor. If the concern continues to be unsettled, please email your worry to our person relations professional We will investigate your concern and provide you with a reaction. Calling our client relationships professional will certainly not negatively influence your treatment. UPMC Children’s Area Pediatric medicine uses you an easy and secure technique for paying bills online for well and sick consultations as well as behavior health sees. The very first tooth– usually the reduced front tooth– is generally shed around age 6. Some youngsters exfoliate their teeth previously or behind this, so it is not a problem if it is not exactly at 6 years old.

      There are 9 areas of oral specialties and Pediatric Dentistry is among them. Mini head hand piece– These are the instruments used for dental fillings. They are smaller for kids compared to a hand item made use of for grownups. They likewise make lower noise to maintain the kid comfy throughout the therapy. These are put over the chair & appearance similar to an infant seat in a cars and truck.
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      If necessary, the dental hygienist will certainly schedule a consultation for you with a dental practitioner. All general dental experts receive training from pediatric experts in dental school. Some basic dental practitioners are more comfortable than others in treating little kids and common childhood years oral needs. But, if a general dentist is not comfy dealing with a child or special demands child, they can refer them to a Pediatric dental practitioner. The age limit for pediatric dental practitioners is more than you might believe. While the skills and experience of pediatric dental professionals are targeted towards babies and children, older teenagers benefit hugely from continuity of care.

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      Shingle Magic’s durability is another significant reason to choose it.

      After application, it develops a layer that keeps the integrity of your shingles for years.
      It means less worry about damage from the elements
      and greater peace of mind about the health
      of your roof.

      When it comes to visual appeal, Shingle Magic Roof Sealer also stands out.
      It not only protects your roof but also boosts its look. The shingles will appear refreshed, thus adding to
      the curb appeal and value to your property.

      Customer satisfaction with Shingle Magic Roof Sealer is another testament to its quality.
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      state after using the product. Reviews underscore its user-friendliness, longevity, and excellent protection.

      In conclusion, opting for Shingle Magic Roof Sealer means opting for a trusted solution for roof rejuvenation. Its
      combination of longevity, aesthetic enhancement, cost-effectiveness, and user-friendliness positions it as the optimal choice for
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      to revitalize your roof with Shingle Magic Roof Sealer.

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    • Shingle Magic
      Postado às 05:06h, 05 fevereiro

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      While some may permit the consumer to call and select a specific day for a cleansing, others comply with a certain timetable for communities to make best use of effectiveness and lessen fuel prices. As an example, a business might check out one community for trash bin cleansing during the very first week of the month and an additional on the 2nd week of the month. A lot of business will certainly straighten their waste cleaning company with the client’s trash pick-up day to ensure the can is vacant for cleaning. Clients must call to identify exactly how their home and address matches the trash bin cleaning up solution’s schedule. Consumers need to note, nevertheless, that some websites are missing out on and web links are damaged, so the website might be a little tough to navigate. Coastal Bin Cleaning’s solution plans consist of monthly, bimonthly, and quarterly choices.
      This is a recurring fee; you will certainly be charged the day you join and on the initial of the month the containers and dumpsters are to be cleansed. Lemon Fresh provided us clean bins with expert timely service at the best rate. Our containers were specifically horrible after being in the hot sunlight. We really did not want to leave the brand-new home owners with smelly unclean containers yet required the solution fast. Lemon Fresh had outstanding communication, provided the lowest quote, and got the job done well within 1 day. You can take a look at the present checklist of zip codes we supply wastebasket cleansing solution on our Service Area page.
      Reliable and budget friendly trashcan cleaning company in Ahwatukee, Tempe, Chandler, Mesa, Queen Creek, San Tan Valley and components of Scottsdale and Phoenix, Arizona. The trash bin ought to be emptied by the city before the cleaning service. If there are tiny notepads, debris or other rubbish after the containers have been cleared by the city after that our solution includes the removal of this and the continuing to be deposit. We manage whatever adheres to the walls of the container after it’s been cleared. A great deal of thought and imagination has actually gone into the Scrubcan trash can cleaning up process.
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      Click the switch below to schedule or call our office. If you’re seeking Commercial solutions, please have a look at our Commercial Provider Web Page. Plus, a filthy trash can is a breeding place for germs and bacteria, making the job of securing the garbage laden with risk. While it’s feasible for one to clean a trash can themselves, a trash can cleansing solution is a much better option. These solutions will certainly coordinate with a homeowner’s garbage day to clean the containers as required. If getting the garbage feels like more of a duty than it should, it’s time to learn more about the most effective wastebasket cleaning up services.

      Make certain filthy washing winds up in the obstruct and your denied outfits of the day go back in your wardrobe. ACI has a couple of ideas to strategy and implement a spring clean. Garden compost Binsare terrific for refining food waste, food scraps, and other naturally degradable and compostable material. We clean them and deodorise them, which includes some disinfecting. To spend for a billing, just see our internet site and click the button that claims “pay invoice” on the top right.

      You must get this done at the very least once a year, two times if you burn via greater than a cable of wood in a period. You’ll spend $75 to $250 per visit for regular cleaning or $300 to $700 monthly total. You obtain a mild price cut on once a week check outs for both volume of service and since it’ll call for much less cleansing with each browse through. Leave your hands-on route planning problem to Upper and get to your cleansing area on time. It allows you to develop a business that showcases your abilities and rate of interests while working in a location that you are enthusiastic concerning.

      If you have the option, pick the smallest dimension container that fulfills your needs. In Spokane, a 20-gallon container prices $12.03 per month contrasted to $31.43 for a 96-gallon container. Depending on the problem of your products, you may be able to give away or reuse several of your scrap as opposed to paying to throw away it. Not all scrap can be contributed, yet lots of things like old furniture, apparel, household items, working appliances and leftover building materials can locate a brand-new home. Check with your local resale stores, charities and nonprofits to see if anyone is interested. Scrap removal experts will want a good idea of what needs carrying away before giving you a quote.
      Scrubcan Is An Environment-friendly Option To Tidy, Sanitize, Deodorise, & Keep Your Trash Bin!
      Apply this service to the trash bin’s inside and scrub the can with a commode brush to loosen up any dirt or grime. Spray the interior with a disinfectant, permit it to sit for a couple of mins, after that wash the can out with a garden pipe and sprayer attachment. Relying on the area you reside in and just how much junk you have, it’ll cost anywhere from$100 to $900for GOT-JUNK. When their tasks are done, they fill out a short expense study.

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    • Medical Spa in Winter Park
      Postado às 18:45h, 28 janeiro

      Enhancing Workspaces in the Heart of Winter Park: Serotonin Centers

      In the vibrant city of Winter Park, creating efficient and
      comfortable workspaces is paramount, and Serotonin Centers excels in providing top-notch office furniture solutions.
      Serving neighborhoods like Audubon Park and Azalea Park, the company
      stands as a go-to resource for businesses looking to enhance their work environments.

      Established in Winter Park in 1887, Serotonin Centers boasts a rich history
      of contributing to the city’s growth. With a population of 29,131 residents in 12,612
      households, Winter Park is a city known for its cultural diversity and thriving communities.
      Connected by the major highway I-4, residents in neighborhoods like Baldwin Park and College Park have easy access to the extensive range
      of office furniture offered by Serotonin Centers.

      In Winter Park, where temperatures vary, and businesses strive for excellence, the cost of office furniture repairs can vary.
      Serotonin Centers addresses this need by providing reliable and cost-effective
      solutions for businesses seeking durable and stylish
      office cubicles, desks, chairs, and tables.

      Winter Park boasts a range of captivating points of interest, including the historic Casa Feliz Historic Home Museum and the scenic Dinky Dock Park.
      Residents can enjoy these attractions while also benefitting from Serotonin Centers’ expertise in creating
      functional and aesthetically pleasing workspaces.

      Choosing Serotonin Centers in Winter Park is synonymous with choosing quality and innovation in office furniture solutions.
      With a commitment to excellence and a diverse range of furniture options, the company ensures that
      businesses in Winter Park have access to the best resources for creating productive and
      inspiring work environments.

      “Elevating Work Environments in Colonial Town Center: Serotonin Centers
      at the Forefront

      Colonial Town Center, nestled in the heart of Winter Park, is
      home to a thriving business community, and Serotonin Centers plays a pivotal
      role in enhancing work environments. Specializing in office furniture
      solutions, the company caters to the unique needs of neighborhoods like Colonialtown North and Coytown, providing businesses with top-quality
      furniture options.

      With roots dating back to 1887, Serotonin Centers has been an integral part of Winter Park’s growth and development.
      The city, boasting a population of 29,131 residents across
      12,612 households, is known for its rich cultural tapestry.
      Accessible via the major highway I-4, Colonial Town Center and its surrounding neighborhoods, like Delaney Park,
      enjoy convenient access to the diverse range of office furniture offered by Serotonin Centers.

      In Winter Park, where temperature variations are common, the cost
      of office furniture repairs can fluctuate. Serotonin Centers addresses this
      need by offering businesses in Colonial Town Center reliable and budget-friendly solutions for office cubicles,
      desks, chairs, and tables.

      Colonial Town Center is surrounded by points of interest,
      including the historic Downtown Winter Park and the vibrant Audubon Park Garden District.
      Businesses in the area can draw inspiration from these
      local attractions while benefiting from Serotonin Centers’
      expertise in creating productive and aesthetically pleasing workspaces.

      Choosing Serotonin Centers in Colonial Town Center is not just a practical decision; it’s
      a commitment to quality and innovation in office furniture solutions.
      With a diverse range of options and a focus on customer satisfaction, the
      company remains a trusted partner for businesses striving for
      excellence in their work environments.

      “Crafting Inspiring Workspaces in the Heart of Audubon Park: Serotonin Centers’ Expertise

      In the picturesque surroundings of Audubon Park, Serotonin Centers stands as a
      beacon for businesses seeking to create inspiring workspaces.
      Specializing in office furniture solutions, the
      company caters to the diverse needs of neighborhoods like
      Baldwin Park and Bryn Mawr, contributing to the development of vibrant and efficient work environments.

      Founded in Winter Park in 1887, Serotonin Centers has played a significant role in shaping the city’s
      growth. Winter Park, with a population of 29,131 residents in 12,612 households, is celebrated for its
      cultural richness. Audubon Park, conveniently connected
      by the major highway I-4, benefits from Serotonin Centers’ wide range of office furniture options.

      In a city where temperatures can vary, and businesses are keen on excellence, the cost
      of office furniture repairs becomes a crucial factor.
      Serotonin Centers addresses this need by offering businesses
      in Audubon Park reliable and cost-effective solutions for office cubicles, desks,
      chairs, and tables.

      Audubon Park is surrounded by fascinating
      points of interest, such as the Audubon Park Garden District
      and the serene Blue Jacket Park. Local businesses can draw inspiration from these attractions while also
      benefitting from Serotonin Centers’ expertise in crafting workspaces that foster creativity and productivity.

      Choosing Serotonin Centers in Audubon Park is not just a practical decision; it’s an investment in the quality and aesthetics of office furniture solutions.

      With a commitment to providing businesses with innovative
      and tailored options, the company remains a trusted partner
      for those striving to create workspaces that inspire success.

      “Innovative Workspaces in the Heart of East Park: Serotonin Centers Leading the Way

      East Park, a dynamic and growing neighborhood in Winter Park, finds its ally in Serotonin Centers when it comes to creating innovative workspaces.

      Specializing in office furniture solutions, the company serves the unique needs of
      neighborhoods like Delaney Park and Dover Estates, contributing to the evolution of dynamic and efficient work environments.

      Established in Winter Park in 1887, Serotonin Centers has been an integral part of the city’s
      development. Winter Park, with a population of 29,131 residents in 12,612 households, showcases a harmonious blend of cultural diversity.
      East Park, connected by the major highway I-4, enjoys
      seamless access to Serotonin Centers’ extensive range of office furniture options.

      In a city where temperature variations are common and businesses prioritize excellence,
      the cost of office furniture repairs becomes a key consideration. Serotonin Centers
      addresses this need by offering businesses in East
      Park reliable and budget-friendly solutions
      for office cubicles, desks, chairs, and tables.

      East Park is surrounded by captivating points of interest, including the scenic Dinky Dock Park and the historic Downtown Winter Park.
      Local businesses can draw inspiration from these attractions while also benefiting from Serotonin Centers’ expertise in crafting workspaces that foster
      collaboration and productivity.

      Choosing Serotonin Centers in East Park is not just a pragmatic
      choice; it’s an investment in quality and functionality in office
      furniture solutions. With a commitment to providing businesses with tailored options and innovative designs, the company remains a trusted partner for those
      seeking to create workspaces that drive success.

      “Elevating Work Environments in the Heart of Carver Shores: Serotonin Centers’ Impact

      Nestled in the vibrant community of Carver Shores, Serotonin Centers takes center stage in transforming work
      environments with its innovative office furniture solutions.
      Specializing in catering to the distinct needs of
      neighborhoods like Clear Lake and College Park,
      the company plays a pivotal role in shaping dynamic
      and efficient workplaces.

      Founded in 1887, Serotonin Centers has been an integral part
      of Winter Park’s growth story. Winter Park, home to 29,131 residents across 12,612 households, boasts a rich cultural heritage.
      Carver Shores, conveniently connected by the major highway I-4, benefits from Serotonin Centers’ diverse range of office furniture options.

      In a city where temperature variations are a common occurrence, and businesses
      prioritize excellence, the cost of office furniture repairs becomes a crucial factor.
      Serotonin Centers addresses this need by providing businesses in Carver Shores with reliable and budget-friendly solutions for office cubicles,
      desks, chairs, and tables.

      Carver Shores is surrounded by enticing points of interest, such as the community-centric Central Park and the historic Downtown Winter Park.
      Local businesses can draw inspiration from these attractions while also
      benefiting from Serotonin Centers’ expertise in crafting workspaces that foster productivity and collaboration.

      Choosing Serotonin Centers in Carver Shores is not just
      a practical decision; it’s an investment in quality and functionality in office
      furniture solutions. With a commitment to providing businesses with tailored
      options and cutting-edge designs, the company remains a trusted partner for those aiming
      to create workspaces that drive success.

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      In this short article, we’ll have a look at ten solar-powered survival products for preppers. Rather, we want to focus on what type of photovoltaic panel arrangements we can implement swiftly and successfully in an emergency. While having actually photovoltaic panels mounted on the roofing system of your home or keeping a committed solar panel configuration in your backyard is useful, that’s not what we’re interested in today.

      As tech improves and sets you back boiled down, they’ve become a reliable resource of portable electrical power. We’ve utilized smaller sized versions from Objective Absolutely no to power lights and electronic devices on weekend boondocking camping trips and to recharge computers and phones in makeshift work-at-home workplaces. With a huge lithium-ion battery and 2000-watt air conditioning inverter (with 3500-watt rise ability), it can juice major home appliances and a bunch of smaller sized ones for a weekend break. We ran a full-size, energy-hungry fridge, 60-watt light, and radio regularly for 38 hours. Because time, we likewise ran 4 cycles of a toaster, and reenergized a laptop computer as soon as and iPhone two times.
      Just How We Checked These Generators
      However it can take time; a 160-watt battery needs at the very least 5 hours of regular AC-wall-outlet power for a full fee. If you opt for a battery-powered generator, be diligent about billing the station. An entire residence generator, likewise known as a standby generator, is a tool that gives backup electrical power to an entire home in the event of a power failure. It operates instantly and is designed to restore power rapidly and flawlessly, permitting you to keep vital functions and devices in your house also when the grid power is down. This write-up was written by Kat de Naoum, that has over ten years of business composing experience. Kat is additionally the commerce editor-at-large at Thomas-Xometry, the leading united state online platform for distributor discovery and item sourcing.

      The makers all have solid online reputations, and we found much to like about the listed versions. The general feel and look is extremely similar to that of the gas generators we tested. It has a take care of at each end and considers approximately the like the Honda EU2200i, concerning 45 extra pounds with the two batteries. We would certainly choose to see a solitary leading manage as on the various other versions, which would certainly make this unit much easier to bring with one hand. If the Honda EU2200i is out of your budget, we suggest the Ryobi RYi2322VNM Bluetooth inverter generator.
      Wen 56235i Super Peaceful 2350-watt Portable Inverter Generator
      And the 2,200 watts can power up cooling systems and other sturdy recreational vehicle home appliances and still have enough juice to charge smart devices and tablet computers with ease. It’s an energy-efficient generator, with the ability of running for almost 10 hours on a single tank (depending upon exactly how tough you’re using it, certainly). At over $1,000, this is much from the cheapest gas generator for RVs. For outdoor camping, entertainment use, or light-duty emergency situation backup, we recommend the Honda EU2200i 2,200-watt inverter generator. The EU2200i was plainly the toughest generator in our test group.

      If you have a beer refrigerator in the garage or a space heating system in a workshop, a little solar arrangement can pay itself off surprisingly promptly. You can charge it utilizing photovoltaic panels, a through a wall surface outlet, vehicle plug, making use of a generator, or lead acid battery. If you’re looking for a resource of back-up power that’s cleaner than a diesel generator, the ITEHIL power plant is an excellent option. With high-speed charging, you can obtain your gadgets back up and running when the power heads out, along with an integrated light.
      Can I Chef With My Solar Generator?
      Even though it’s light, the 1.3-gallon gas container generates approximately 10 hours run time. The generator from Champ Power Tools is a respectable little generator with a remarkable rate. The affordable 80cc single-cylinder OHV engine generates a respectable 1500 starting watts and 1200 running watts. A couple other great features consist of the gas shutoff that maximizes the generator’s life expectancy by using up the staying fuel in the carburetor before shutting down.

      The 111cc OHV engine generates 2200 starting watts and 1700 running watts. An awesome attribute on the P2200 is the muffler, giving it a super-low tone of under sixty decibels. A commendable 212cc OHV engine powers the Generac GP3500iO, generating 3000 running watts and 3500 starting watts.
      What Are The Benefits Of Solar Generators?
      Plus, a solar generator is a lot less complicated to take with you, whether you’re lugging it along as component of your outdoor camping gear or powering your following tailgate party. It can be charged using a solar panel, wall electrical outlet, car electrical outlet or electrical generator. It’s excellent for charging your phone or electronic camera, or running little appliances like a follower or laptop. It has a surge ability of 150 watts, but you must avoid using it with any gadget that has a 100 watt or higher rating. Solar generators function by transforming sunshine into straight current electrical power. This electrical energy travels through the cost controller, which keeps the voltage from going too high or low.

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      If the decay is severe enough, the acids can bore a hole, or dental caries, with the tooth. Dental bleaching products should be reserved for all-natural teeth, as they are ineffective on tooth-colored remediations. Oral restorations can be carried out as well as maintained by a certified oral expert.
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      A portable battery pack is one of my essential glamping devices. A water-proof phone instance likewise secures your phone from dust, dust, as well as sand while camping. This battery-powered portable fan runs peaceful and is extremely reliable at cooling off a camping tent or one more little area. Brighten your campsite in the evening with the Black Diamond Apollo Lantern.
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      I have actually utilized this chair 4 years straight, in the desert, at the beach and also in the mountains, as well as it looks just as good as it did when I got it. Overland’s solitary pelt option is probably the coziest point I’ve brought outdoor camping– I set it up beside my cot for a padded beginning to every early morning and likewise used it as a meditation padding. The pelt is available in thirteen colorways, so also the pickiest amongst us will certainly have an option to appreciate.

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      You’ll require portable movie projectors on this front– they make it easy to enjoy your preferred films with your preferred individuals. Some newer mobile film projectors are compact– a glamping motion picture experience right in the palm of your hand. If you’re not the kind to rough it out in nature for a few days, mobile showers might be the ultimate must-have glamping accessory. These showers can give you that tidy, renewed sensation regardless of exactly how away the grid you roam.

      It maximizes the efficiency of landscape lighting by turning a tree into a light post. As opposed to unnecessarily illuminating a tree and a dining location, you can combine the two lighting styles right into a single spot in your residence. Proper outside lights rejuvenates your residence, giving it a special and unique look. Modern illumination services provide functional and stylistic options.

      Your option of material can make or damage your camping experience. Here, we offer the top materials that incorporate convenience, sturdiness, and design to improve your outdoor adventures. This water resistant alternative is stain-resistant and highly sturdy. It is also lightweight and comfy sufficient to make use of. for beauty sleep area.
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      We placed the carpets on unequal surfaces to see exactly how comfortable they were to step on, and we dragged hefty items throughout them to see if they may tear. We also splashed messy active ingredients on the carpets to see how tough they were to cleanse. Assisting area off seating locations while adding appearance and passion, the right carpet can do wonders in boosting the ambiance of your exterior home.

      Candle lights are likewise liable to be extinguished by the wind exterior. For that reason, if you are thinking of including candle lights to your patio area lights concepts consider cyclone lanterns which will be protected from winds and be less most likely to fall over. Additionally, select battery powered LED candle lights, brand-new designs are virtually identical from the real thing, providing a safe and very easy way to obtain the very same look as a lit flame. When choosing your outdoor patio lights concepts, the bulbs are as vital as the lights’ style.
      There is only one consideration for this lighting idea, rust. Considering that the in-ground light fixtures are beside plants and trees, they are exposed to water and fertilizers. Prior to installing landscape lighting, make certain you are making use of water resistance lights.

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    • Louann Waters
      Postado às 15:33h, 11 dezembro

      Glamping is a portmanteau of “” glamorous”” and also “” camping””, as well as defines a style of camping with features as well as, in some cases, resort-style solutions not generally connected with “” conventional”” outdoor camping.

      Brighten sidewalks and paths with refined lighting fixtures, making certain safe and aesthetically enticing navigation. Low-level pathway lights or recessed ground lights provide a directing radiance, while including a stylish touch to the landscape design. Usage soft accent illumination to highlight architectural attributes, such as the appearance of your home, columns, or statuaries. Well-placed lights can create dramatic silhouettes and include deepness and measurement to the landscape. To include additional passion and dimension, take into consideration integrating a range of plants and trees, such as exotic palms, ornamental bushes, and great smelling blooms.
      Though the styles vary from rural to advanced, clean lines and vivid colors with a tip of fancifulness are qualities that imbue basically every armchair, eating table and bench. The company is likewise ISO accredited, which acknowledges a company dedication to ecological obligation. Gloster’s Bay collection includes the angular designed equipping layouts of Henrik PedersenDesigning and building the finest luxury outside furniture is what Gloster is all about. They concentrate on the production of costs teak wood furnishings, but additionally have collections that are made from rattan, material wicker and powder-coated aluminum. Their teak wood is gathered from very carefully managed plantations to make certain top quality and ecological duty.

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      Solid top quality, above-average interest to information, elevated spending plan options on offer. Selecting the best ski coat is everything about taking care of the problems that you might come across on the mountain. This relies on the details sort of snowboarding you delight in most– skinning up a sunny ridgeline in the North Cascades is far various than bracing … From months of daily drizzle to heavy downpour in the hills, we’re acutely aware of the advantages of a top quality water-proof and breathable covering. Personally, I feel that Patagonia needs to be in the top fashion brands ranking, for sure.
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      To that end, we have actually assembled a listing of our preferred exterior apparel brands of perpetuity. These are the outfitters we transform to when high quality is paramount, be it for backcountry exploration, weekend camping journeys, or just strolling your canine around the area. Each of the brands we’ve listed below is a brand we have actually had superior direct experiences with. From uber-premium to economical, these are the outdoor apparel brand names we make use of, trust, and advise to family and friends whenever someone we understand is looking to get outdoors themselves. Like Patagonia, Marmot likewise has made rather considerable sustainability strides over the last few years, including making use of recycled materials and PFC-free DWR coverings on most of their products. Backcountry professionals searching for stalwart defense and a complete collection of technical features need to look elsewhere, but also for treking, summertime backpacking, around-town use, and other casual quests, the worth is hard to defeat.

      And if you’re trying to save room while packing, fret not. Some more recent mobile flick projectors are compact– a glamping flick experience right in the palm of your hand. Glamping, short for “attractive outdoor camping,” is where nature meets deluxe. A glamping journey is excellent if you want to experience a night under the celebrities while still having much of what features resorts. Deluxe camping typically matches those that typically like hot showers as well as climate control yet wish to see attractive all-natural locations. You can remain in a recreational vehicle, glamping tent, outdoor resort, or cabin– style your outdoor camping trip simply just how you like it.
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      If you want just a little beauty, some simple upgrades can be extendable marshmallow roasting sticks as well as an air mattress as opposed to a resting bag. Maintain points amusing with laser light projectors and great deals of DIY video games. If your objective is to go for it, bring your wireless audio speakers, portable motion picture screen, and projector for an engrossing night in the moonlight.
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      Treehouses are no more simply meant as a hideout for the area boys. Nature enthusiasts value its sustainable design as well as also take pleasure in how it provides the possibility to explore nature much more thoroughly. Each of the “treerooms” was built to have very little effect on their environments.

    • Sheena Quam
      Postado às 14:59h, 11 dezembro

      It is simple and easy to create this straightforward set-up, and it will most absolutely make your home appear even more inviting on the whole. If you need some extra storage, you can obtain a side table with some drawers. As an example, your worn but long lasting patio chairs might give your cooking area a fresh, diverse appearance when utilized as dining chairs. In locations where individuals gather, purchase the seating into a U-shape or an H-shape to much better welcome conversation.

      Having great backyard lighting can make your outdoor space a functional and delightful area to go to with liked ones, have a late treat, or sip a great glass of red. These lights are ultra-versatile and simple to hang, with the power cord component of the design. You can make use of outdoor patio string lights to develop a warm radiance that uses visibility without the violence of a normal lighting fixture. String lights are a simple and affordable method to include ambient lighting to a deck, outdoor patio, swimming pool, or yard. Cover them around a trellis, along a fencing line, or throughout trees for an enjoyable, joyful impact.

      You can place them purge versus your pergola’s support light beams for convenient lighting that does not need long-term installation. Despite having lots of light sources, like sconces and limelights, being able to change to choices that bring a softer glow when called for is an outdoor patio lighting concept that makes sense. Torches beside the outdoor patio can be used to provide one last layer of ambient light while also repelling insects. Torches with bet bottoms that can be placed directly right into the ground simply beyond the outdoor patio side are one more choice. Lights the means to your outside space is needed to safely produce a flow from the indoors bent on your outdoor patio.

      We’ll stroll you via several of the major selections you require to make, and we’ll explain some of the brands, styles, and functions that real-world proprietors often tend to such as. This overview will certainly be most beneficial for people that are looking for a full-size, freestanding fridge that costs approximately $4,000. With hopes you have actually appreciated my article covering the best outside clothes brand names in 2020, it is your turn now to share your favored brands with us. In comparison to 2019, the top of outside clothing brand names is currently dominated by United States and UK brands. Founded by mountain climbers in 1989, this Vancouver-based outdoor clothes brand name has three decades in technology clothing.
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      Considering their cult-like following and popularity, they might be billing method extra for their products, which makes them another major take. Coco Wolf is one of one of the most well-known luxury outdoor furniture brands on the marketplace and is understood for producing durable tables, chairs and loungers that stand up to also the harshest problems. Regardless of only being launched in 2014, this moral business has actually already made its mark with ageless, maritime-inspired layouts that are sturdy but extremely classy. Cane-line’s collections include traditional all-weather woven furniture for patios and poolsides”Life made comfortable” is the essence of what Cane-line is all about. Originally concentrated on creating high-end rattan interior home furnishings, the firm expanded to costs exterior furniture to address the expanding pattern of in-outdoor living.

      Individuals purchase top-freezer versions mainly due to the fact that they’re budget friendly and can be portable. These fridges do their work successfully, however have a tendency not to have any kind of upscale functions or styles. Nonetheless, some upscale French-door variations have a fourth door, in the kind of a second cabinet, normally a tiny tray in between the refrigerator and fridge freezer.

      If techwear is the combining of function and style, BLACKYAK is a brakes-cut semi-truck barreling towards the Platonic perfects of what utility should resemble. It’s reduced from GORE-TEX Pro, is waterproof to the zippers, has a removable internal snow skirt, and is made by Tilak. Over the brand’s background, Rock Island has created outerwear that impresses in light, makes nylon beam like steel, and even changes shades with the temperature.
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      If camping, you require a series of equipment that’s mosting likely to deal with any kind of and every little thing. If treking via the hills in negative level weather– wintertime coats, pants, and boots are an absolute needs to for not cold. All this to say, it’s never a poor idea to have a rotating list of brand names you can shop from for your fundamentals. We’ve assembled a list of the best outside clothing brand names that you can constantly have in your rotation. Shademaker’s Polaris umbrella collection has streamlined style and commercial-grade qualityExtraordinary outdoor spaces require all the animal conveniences of interior atmospheres and even more. Shademaker incorporates cutting edge manufacturing methods with tidy nautically-influenced layouts to produce unparalleled building grade outdoor umbrellas.

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      Garlic can be sliced and used straight to your impacted tooth for alleviation. Garlic consists of allicin, which lowers microorganisms and also relieves pain. If you like to make a paste, you can incorporate a clove of garlic with a few drops of water and also 1/2 teaspoon of salt. These 5 natural remedy for delicate teeth are simply a few of the most basic and also most practical options offered.

      Diagrammatic representation of acidogenic theory of causation of dental caries. Healthy and balanced food as well as nutrition, correct dental care, normal checkups, cleansing the teeth consistently are some approaches to preventing dental cavity. Prevention dental cavity is constantly far better than healing dental cavity. The most effective method to do so is by preventing food which contains substances like sugar, starch, soft drink, chewing gum tissue, and also those that become acid and reek mayhem on healthy teeth. Soda is packed with sugar that turns into acid at a fast pace. Soft drink itself has lots of acid– causing a dual strike on the teeth.
      Exactly What Is Dental Cavity?
      Sucrose, although a bound sugar and fructose device, is in fact extra cariogenic than a blend of equivalent components of glucose and fructose. This is due to the bacteria making use of the power in the saccharide bond between the sugar and also fructose subunits. S.mutans abides by the biofilm on the tooth by transforming sucrose into an extremely adhesive compound called dextran polysaccharide by the enzyme dextran sucranase. It is comprised of living tissue and it is where the nerve as well as blood supply are located.
      Naturally, you’ll have the ability to inform rather quickly if tooth decay has actually advanced to the factor where you have several tooth cavities. If you simply can’t remove foul breath no matter the amount of mints you take, chances exist are bacteria in your mouth stinking up the area. Bad breath or foul breath is mainly caused by microorganisms in the mouth, so floss a little better and use mouthwash to eliminate foul-smelling breath. Dealing with dental cavities costs 5– 10% of health-care budget plans in developed nations, as well as can quickly go beyond budget plans in lower-income countries. However, dried fruits such as raisins as well as fresh fruit such as apples and bananas vanish from the mouth quickly, and also do not seem a danger factor. Customers are bad at presuming which foods stick around in the mouth.

      Some people observe teeth sensitivity to chilly after being outside in chilly air. Streptococcus mutans causes dental cavity and also can make your teeth level of sensitivity even worse. The level of sensitivity happens due to different problems, yet the problem doesn’t stop you if you can heal it asap. Most people check it due to the fact that practically every person is affected by this issue.

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    • Owen Andrew
      Postado às 03:16h, 08 dezembro

      Gum tissue surgical procedure is a dental treatment made use of to eliminate and replace infected or damaged gum tissues to improve gum health, reduce gum tissue inflammation, and restrict the spread of periodontal illness. Implications of dental surgery may include led bone and cells regrowth, depigmentation of the gum tissues, and a gum lift. In some cases a baby tooth. has actually misshapen or lengthy origins that stop it from befalling as it should, and the tooth has to be gotten rid of to make way for the irreversible tooth to emerge.
      Dental Public Health And Wellness Issues In Pediatric Dental Care
      Along with the dentist’s specialist skill and competence, EBD allows dental experts to keep up to date on the current procedures and individuals to obtain better treatment. A brand-new standard for medical education and learning created to integrate existing research right into education and method was established to assist professionals provide the very best care for their individuals. It was initially introduced by Gordon Guyatt and the Evidence-Based Medicine Working Team at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada in the 1990s. It is part of the bigger activity towards evidence-based medication and various other evidence-based methods, especially considering that a major part of dental care involves taking care of dental and systemic diseases. Various other concerns pertinent to the oral field in terms of evidence-based study and evidence-based technique include population dental health and wellness, oral professional practice, tooth morphology etc

      I haven’t really felt so comfortable with a dentist in several years. Although I need to travel from Framingham I am extremely pleased to do so. Responding To Common Questions Regarding Anesthesia as well as Oral Surgery Oral surgery can be frustrating for people, despite age. You might feel a sharp or plain discomfort in your tooth that does not go away. Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled whatsoever times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. Root canal procedures eliminate the soft cells from inside the tooth, then cover that tooth with a crown.

      Throughout this procedure, your periodontist makes use of a tiny laser to get rid of diseased cells and eliminate microorganisms under your periodontals. Sometimes, carriers recommend laser treatment as an option to typical gum surgical procedure. Unlike typical periodontal surgical procedure, laser therapy does not call for lacerations or sutures. Depending on exactly how serious your periodontitis is, your dental expert may refer you to a specialist in the therapy of periodontal disease called a periodontist. This treatment is executed when periodontitis ruins the bone around your tooth origin. The graft might be made from small littles your own bone, or the bone might be made from man-made material or given away.
      When Should I See My Dental Practitioner?
      These pictures reveal the locations of bone loss in detail. They can additionally check out older X-rays to see exactly how your bone has actually transformed gradually. Periodontists make use of laser light treatment to eliminate disease-causing microorganisms and sterilize the treatment location. Just like many treatments, there are advantages and disadvantages.

      You placed this personalized orthotic gadget in your mouth before bed. It protects your teeth, muscular tissues and TMJs from the force produced during grinding. Your doctor may additionally prescribe a muscle mass relaxant to take previously bed. If you are starting to notice more results from teeth grinding, visit your healthcare provider or dentist. They will certainly be able to speak with you concerning your practices and help you choose whether therapies like a mouthguard are ideal for you.

      A lot of mineral water does not have enough fluoride to avoid dental cavity. If your child beverages only bottled water, talk with a dental expert or doctor about whether your child requires added fluoride in the type of a tablet, varnish, or gel. Root canals, fillings, and also oral sealants are excellent methods to correct and also avoid dental caries, respectively, however they can be incredibly pricey. Considering that greater than 30% of Americans do not have oral insurance coverage, many people are do without the care they require. Sealers are made from plastic or various other dental materials as well as comply with your molars’ leading surface or back teeth. Vitamin D, oil drawing, licorice lollipops, eating gum, as well as other home remedies will not remove existing cavities by themselves.
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      Numerous oral issues, even deep tooth cavities, develop without any pain or various other signs. Routine dental appointments are the most effective way to catch a tooth cavity before it becomes worse. Vitamin D is important to help soak up calcium and phosphate from the food you consume.

      Evidence suggests that the substantial majority of patients with additional adrenal deficiency might undergo routine dental treatment without the demand for supplemental glucocorticoids. Oral solution rates continue to be highest for kids from higher-income households who delight in higher degrees of exclusive dental insurance and prepared schedule of oral care. Oral hygienists identify and deal with troubles with the teeth mouth and gums.
      Oral Treatment
      Throughout surgical treatment to position the dental implant, your dental specialist makes a cut to open your gum tissue and expose the bone. Holes are pierced right into the bone where the oral implant metal blog post will be put. Given that the message will work as the tooth origin, it’s implanted deep into the bone.

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    • Laurel Mcdougall
      Postado às 22:59h, 07 dezembro

      But Getaway Space Fixation isn’t almost the getaway areas themselves. It’s also an excellent location to collect with your neighborhood for an enjoyable and special experience. No matter what you choose to do in Highland, you’re sure to have a fun time. So grab your walking footwear and a sense of journey, and get ready to discover this lovely community in Indiana. There are hiking routes very easy to modest and offer different picturesque views.

      In Indiana, Moonstone can be found in numerous places, including the city of Indianapolis, area creek beds, and river beds. When you have actually discovered a piece of Corundum, it is essential to clean it very carefully. Rinse it gently with water and make use of a soft brush or towel to eliminate dirt or particles. Are you interested regarding the globe of gemstones concealed below your feet in Indiana? Ever before asked yourself where and how to start your rockhounding experience in the Hoosier State? Check out Indiana’s fantastic gems world and get answers to your burning concerns.

      Okay, so, while you’re at Indiana Dunes National Forest, there are a couple other must-do destinations close by. The legendary Michigan City Lighthouse sits at the end of a pier of the very same name, extending into Lake Michigan relatively for life. It’s conveniently among one of the most photogenic places in all of Indiana, and right here you make sure to forget that you’re also landlocked whatsoever. Below is the listing of things to do in Highland and traveler attractions in city. Highland may not be as prominent as various other cities in United States , yet do not let that fool you. Highland is a smaller sized yet beautiful forthcoming tourist destination that is worth a visit. You will be surprised by some of the special things to do and places you can explore at this hidden location. Have you ever went to a new place and felt’ wow’ about it? This site is making use of a security service to protect itself from on the internet attacks. The action you just performed caused the protection solution. There are numerous activities that might trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. Listing Your Company Do you have a charitable Organization that you want to include? Post An Occasion Advertise your occasion to the community. Submit A Press release We want to read about the current and biggest tale that’s taking place within our neighborhood. We currently stated the Wicker Memorial Park and John Dillinger Museum, yet there are plenty a lot more wacky destinations in Highland, Indiana! Do not neglect to bring your bargaining skills with you

      Whether you’re a regional or just passing through, you’re sure to locate something that pleases your fancy. Play in a comfortable setup. This( and) occasion is initial come, initially seated. There will certainly likewise be chances to win some prizes! The Classical Blast holiday show has actually become a tradition for most of our patrons.” Dark Side of the Yule” is where Christmas meets Standard Rock. For instance, assume Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies merging with Metallica, or Silent Evening fulfills Simon & Garfunkel. Our Winter Season Lights Drive-Through is one of our preferred practices -and we’re so thrilled to have it again in 2022! You can delight in the magic of our Winter season Lights present at Sundown Hill Farm Region Park. The lights display drive-through is totally free and open every evening. It’s the most remarkable season and Fair Oaks Farms is so fired up to supply a most … ➼ School outing at the Environmental Education And Learning Center! The Lake Area Solid Waste Monitoring Area, the Environmental Education Center, and the Reuz Space have actually moved to Merrillville. Join us for a full day of environmental education at the EEC! Our instructors will certainly provide a day of quality, hands-on activities for your … Next-door neighbors claimed she left her son and her other half, Paul. A memorial was produced in front of their home in June, honoring the lady who provided so much to individuals around her. If Kilpatrick sent a welcome with info regarding an event, regardless what the event may be, you understood it was individual. She said allies call her a vital center of power in Northwest Indiana. Longtime Northwest Indiana activist and professor Lorrell D. Kilpatrick passed away unexpectedly Friday early morning after a medical emergency, Everybody Counts Inc. Sign up to get information, updates and special offers straight to your inbox.
      Off Events Booked Monday-thursday At Up Your Alley In Schererville!
      White Bunny Escape Room is a game, situated in 9521 Indianapolis Blvd Suite F, Highland, Indiana, USA. ESPA Spa & Holistic Facility is a day spa, located in 2825 Jewett Ave, Highland, Indiana, USA. 2 Chicks is a shop, situated in 2817 Jewett Ave, Highland, Indiana, United States.

      Searching for crystals and minerals in Indiana can be enjoyable, but you’ll need the right tools and gear to start. One main point to do after seeing Dolomite is to cleanse it carefully with water and a soft brush to expose its all-natural beauty. You can also keep it as a gorgeous souvenir or usage it for different crafts and tasks.
      This escape space supplies a variety of themed spaces that will certainly test your analytical skills and maintain you on the edge of your seat. They also have an excellent menu that features traditional bar food like hamburgers, wings, and french fries. No matter what you pick to do in Highland, you’re sure to have a blast. So order your strolling shoes and a feeling of adventure, and prepare to discover this enchanting town in Indiana. Exterior fanatics can delight in the Erie-Lackawanna Trail and several parks, while those seeking relaxation can go to health clubs and wellness facilities.
      Covered Bridges Scenic Tour
      Limestone is a remarkable rock found throughout Indiana, consisting of Oolitic. Bedford, Indiana’s Empire Quarry, has extracted this stunning rock for years. One more location is the Indiana Limestone Belt, a region from Bloomington to Bedford.
      It’s an enjoyable and unwinded environment that’s perfect for a night out with good friends. In Highland, Indiana, you’ll locate a food and beverage journey around every edge. Whether you’re in the state of mind for fantastic food, craft beers, or simply a fun and quirky atmosphere, you’ll locate everything in Highland, Indiana.

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      There are also possibilities to take pictures with The United States and Canada’s biggest water clock, a historic carousel, and a huge Bumblebee. Monolith CircleNext time you’re in Indianapolis, drop in Monolith Circle, a can’t- miss destination in the heart of the downtown location. Whether you come by in the middle of the day or for a specific event, it is constantly including life.
      Excursion For Area Gatherings
      It is a protected wilderness area, to maintain the natural environments, and offer a place for guests to find seclusion. There are 37.3 miles of tracks for treking and horseback riding. Primitive camping is admitted the Deam Wild, with specific constraints. Considering that its designation as a wilderness, site visitor usage in the area enhanced to the point that significant damage was taking place. Unique restrictions remain in place to safeguard the wilderness personality. Site visitors to this unique area are asked to follow these constraints to decrease your impact and share duty in preserving this distinct natural deposit.

      Various areas cater to different age, making it a functional household getaway. Or, if you’re aiming to cool, grab a coffee at the café while the youngsters wear themselves out. Neglect “simply trampolines”– this indoor park features climbing walls, skies bikers, and barrier training courses. It’s excellent for snuggling up with the household for a double attribute under the stars. Parents will certainly have a blast, too– there’s a lazy river to float down and even a jacuzzi to take a break in. If you’re looking for spraying “things to do with children near me”, Huge Sprinkle has you covered.
      Are There Any Kind Of Scrumptious Neighborhood Consumes In Highland, Indiana That I Absolutely Need To Attempt?
      Open to people 18 and up, children age 14 to 17 may get involved just if accompanied by a moms and dad. He caverns are home to 21 species of troglobites, and even bones dating back to the Pleistocene era. The on-site gemstone mining tourist attraction will let you pan for gems, fossils and various other shocks, an activity ideal for kids. Once you have actually spent the day discovering what Indiana needs to offer, you can loosen up at a music night at Corydon Live!

      Situated in downtown Indianapolis, the Eiteljorg Gallery of American Indian and Western Art is an outstanding selection of tourist attraction for art lovers and culture candidates. There are 3 renowned wood rollercoasters in Holiday World, including The Tale, The Raven, and The Trip. There are also a number of other rollercoasters to obtain your thrills on. Aptly called Vacation Globe, the amusement park is divided into 4 themed sections that celebrate Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween, and the Fourth of July. The National Art Gallery of Sport includes masterpieces highlighting the leading minutes in sporting activities history.
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      The timber-lined wine tasting space supplies a rustic spot to enjoy over 40 glass of wines. Barbecue areas offer room for outdoor occasions amongst 15 acres of designed landscapes. The museum present shop supplies various holiday-themed items throughout the year for you to take home and cherish. The museum is where you’ll find historical pictures and artifacts that take you with the history of the community of Santa Claus.

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